Supplementary material for the publication:
Modeling the Synchronization of the Movement of Bacillaria paxillifer by a Kuramoto Model with Time Delay
Chapter 8 in the book* 'The Mathematical Biology of Diatoms’
Supplement to '8.5.6 Coupling to a Periodic Light Source', p. 221
Author: Thomas Harbich
Synchronization with a periodic light source
The observation was made at a low intensity of the microscope illumination. The periodic illumination (sinusoidal) has a considerably higher intensity than the microscope illumination used for the exposure. As it couples only minimally into the beam path of the microscope, it is only slightly visible in the upper left. The video (60x time lapse) shows the transient to a state where the colonies move synchronously with the external illumination. This is directly visible in the synchronism between the colonies..
* The Mathematical Biology of Diatoms [DMTH, Volume in the series: Diatoms: Biology & Applications, series editors: Richard Gordon & Joseph Seckbach]. J.L. Pappas and R. Gordon, (eds.) Wiley-Scrivener, Beverly, MA, USA: in preparation.