Supplementary material for the publication:


Modeling the Synchronization of the Movement of Bacillaria paxillifer by a Kuramoto Model with Time Delay

Chapter 8 in the book* 'The Mathematical Biology of Diatoms’

Supplement to '8.1 Introduction', p.197

Author: Thomas Harbich


Restoration of the structure of a colony

The following video shows in 10x time-lapse a Bacillaria paxillifer colony attached to the substrate at both ends. The relative displacements of the diatoms exert a force on the colony that has already disrupted the structure. The parallel arrangement of the diatoms is achieved again after some time.



* The Mathematical Biology of Diatoms [DMTH, Volume in the series: Diatoms: Biology & Applications, series editors: Richard Gordon & Joseph Seckbach]. J.L. Pappas and R. Gordon, (eds.) Wiley-Scrivener, Beverly, MA, USA: in preparation.