
Nützliche Links auf englische Seiten:Link icon

Wikipedia, Diatom
International Society for Diatom Research:
University College London, Micropalaeontology Unit, Diatoms:
The Phycology Section: Ecology and Taxonomy of Freshwater Algae, particularly Diatoms: 

Datenbanken, Erkennung von Diatomeen:

Diatoms of the United States:
Algae World: diatoms:
Introduction to Diatom Identification:


Nützliche Links auf deutsche Seiten:

Wikipedia, Kieselalgen:
Diatomeen – Kurzeinführung:
Diatomeen-Homepage von Dr. phil. nat. E. Alles:



Die nachfolgende Zusammenstellung sei als erster Hinweis in die sehr umfangreiche Literatur verstanden.
Weitere Hinweise auf Veröffentlichungen werden an entsprechender Stelle gegeben.

Bücher in englischer Sprache:

The Diatoms: Biology and Morphology of the Genera
F. E. Round; R. M. Crawford; D. G. Mann
Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (2007)

The Biology of Diatoms (Botanical Monographs)
Dietrich Werner (Editor)
University of California Press, Berkeley, California (1977)

Identification of Freshwater Diatoms from Live Material
E.J. Cox
Springer (1996)

Algal Culturing Techniques
Robert A. Andersen (Editor)
Academic Press (2005)

Bücher in deutscher Sprache:

Diatomeen im Süßwasser-Benthos von Mitteleuropa : Bestimmungsflora Kieselalgen für die ökologische Praxis;
über 700 der häufigsten Arten und ihre Ökologie
Horst Lange-Bertalot (Editor)
Koeltz Scientific Books

Kieselalgen in Binnengewässern
Lothar Kalbe
VerlagsKG Wolf (2005)

Kieselalgen : Biologie, Baupläne d. Zellwand, Untersuchungsmethoden
Kurt Krammer
Kosmos Verlags-GmbH (1990)

Algenreinkulturen, ihre Herstellung und Erhaltung
E. G. Pringsheim
Jena Fischer (1954)


Artikel mit Bezug auf die Homepage:

Harbich, T. (2021), On the Size Sequence of Diatoms in Clonal Chains. In Diatom Morphogenesis (Diatoms: Biology diatom morphogenesisand Applications) Vadim V. Annenkov (Editor), Richard Gordon (Series Editor), Joseph Seckbach (Series Editor), Wiley-Scrivener; First published: 29 October 2021,


Harbich, T. (2021) Some Observations of Movements of Pennate Diatoms in Cultures and Their Possible Interpretation. In Diatom Gliding Motility (Diatoms: Biology and Applications) S.A. Cohn (Editor), K.M. Manoylov (Editor) and R. Gordon (Series Editor), Wiley-Scrivener, Beverly, MA, USA; First published: 20 July 2021,

Die Abschnitte sind:

  • Kinematics and Analysis of Trajectories in Pennate Diatoms with Almost Straight Raphe along the Apical Axis
  • Curvature of the Trajectory at the Reversal Points
  • Movement of Diatoms in and on Biofilms
  • Movement on the Water Surface
  • Formation of flat Colonies in Cymbella lanceolata


 mathematical biology of diatoms

Harbich, T. (2023) Pattern Formation in Diatoma vulgaris Colonies - Observations and Description by a Lindenmayer-System. In The Mathematical Biology of Diatoms (Diatoms: Biology and Applications) Janice L. Pappas (Editor), Richard Gordon (Series Editor), Joseph Seckbach (Series Editor), Wiley-Scrivener; Wiley-Scrivener; First published: 21 April 2023,


Bitte beachten Sie auch diese Veröffentlichungen:

Alicea, B., Gordon, R., Harbich, T., Singh, U., Singh, A., & Varma, V. (2021) Towards a Digital Diatom: image processing and deep learning analysis of Bacillaria paradoxa dynamic morphology. In Diatom Gliding Motility (Diatoms: Biology and Applications) S.A. Cohn (Editor), K.M. Manoylov (Editor) and R. Gordon (Series Editor), Wiley-Scrivener, Beverly, MA, USA; First published: 20 July 2021,



diatom gliding motility 

Gebeshuber, I. C., Zischka, F., Kratochvil, H., Noll, A., Gordon, R., & Harbich, T. (2021), Diatom Triboacoustics. In Diatom Gliding Motility (Diatoms: Biology and Applications) S.A. Cohn (Editor),K.M. Manoylov (Editor) and R. Gordon (Editor), Wiley-Scrivener, Beverly, MA, USA; First published: 20 July 2021,



Harbich, T. (2023) Modeling the Synchronization of the Movement of Bacillaria paxillifer by a Kuramoto Model with Time Delay. In The Mathematical Biology of Diatoms (Diatoms: Biology and Applications) Janice L. Pappas (Editor), Richard Gordon (Series Editor), Joseph Seckbach (Series Editor), Wiley-Scrivener; Wiley-Scrivener; First published: 21 April 2023,


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